deterministic miller rabin Algorithm

The deterministic Miller-Rabin algorithm is an enhancement of the original Miller-Rabin primality testing algorithm. It is a deterministic algorithm to check the primality of a given number, unlike the probabilistic nature of the original Miller-Rabin algorithm. The deterministic variant is based on the same core principles as the original algorithm, which is to repeatedly apply a series of tests for checking whether a given number is composite or not, but with improvements that provide deterministic results. The key enhancement lies in the choice of base numbers (witnesses) used to test the primality of the input number. The deterministic Miller-Rabin algorithm employs a pre-determined set of base numbers (witnesses) depending on the range in which the input number lies. These base numbers are mathematically proven to provide accurate primality results for their respective ranges. As a result, the deterministic variant is capable of providing a definitive answer on whether a number is prime or not, contrary to the probabilistic results produced by the original algorithm. Moreover, the deterministic algorithm can be faster than the probabilistic version, since the number of witnesses required is typically smaller than the number of iterations needed to achieve a high degree of certainty in the probabilistic approach. However, it is essential to note that the deterministic Miller-Rabin algorithm is only deterministic for certain input ranges, and its deterministic nature is not proven for larger input numbers.
"""Created by Nathan Damon, @bizzfitch on github
>>> test_miller_rabin()

def miller_rabin(n, allow_probable=False):
    """Deterministic Miller-Rabin algorithm for primes ~< 3.32e24.

    Uses numerical analysis results to return whether or not the passed number
    is prime. If the passed number is above the upper limit, and
    allow_probable is True, then a return value of True indicates that n is
    probably prime. This test does not allow False negatives- a return value
    of False is ALWAYS composite.

    n : int
        The integer to be tested. Since we usually care if a number is prime,
        n < 2 returns False instead of raising a ValueError.
    allow_probable: bool, default False
        Whether or not to test n above the upper bound of the deterministic test.


    if n == 2:
        return True
    if not n % 2 or n < 2:
        return False
    if n > 5 and n % 10 not in (1, 3, 7, 9):  # can quickly check last digit
        return False
    if n > 3_317_044_064_679_887_385_961_981 and not allow_probable:
        raise ValueError(
            "Warning: upper bound of deterministic test is exceeded. "
            "Pass allow_probable=True to allow probabilistic test. "
            "A return value of True indicates a probable prime."
    # array bounds provided by analysis
    bounds = [

    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41]
    for idx, _p in enumerate(bounds, 1):
        if n < _p:
            # then we have our last prime to check
            plist = primes[:idx]
    d, s = n - 1, 0
    # break up n -1 into a power of 2 (s) and
    # remaining odd component
    # essentially, solve for d * 2 ** s == n - 1
    while d % 2 == 0:
        d //= 2
        s += 1
    for prime in plist:
        pr = False
        for r in range(s):
            m = pow(prime, d * 2 ** r, n)
            # see article for analysis explanation for m
            if (r == 0 and m == 1) or ((m + 1) % n == 0):
                pr = True
                # this loop will not determine compositeness
        if pr:
        # if pr is False, then the above loop never evaluated to true,
        # and the n MUST be composite
        return False
    return True

def test_miller_rabin():
    """Testing a nontrivial (ends in 1, 3, 7, 9) composite
    and a prime in each range.
    assert not miller_rabin(561)
    assert miller_rabin(563)
    # 2047

    assert not miller_rabin(838_201)
    assert miller_rabin(838_207)
    # 1_373_653

    assert not miller_rabin(17_316_001)
    assert miller_rabin(17_316_017)
    # 25_326_001

    assert not miller_rabin(3_078_386_641)
    assert miller_rabin(3_078_386_653)
    # 3_215_031_751

    assert not miller_rabin(1_713_045_574_801)
    assert miller_rabin(1_713_045_574_819)
    # 2_152_302_898_747

    assert not miller_rabin(2_779_799_728_307)
    assert miller_rabin(2_779_799_728_327)
    # 3_474_749_660_383

    assert not miller_rabin(113_850_023_909_441)
    assert miller_rabin(113_850_023_909_527)
    # 341_550_071_728_321

    assert not miller_rabin(1_275_041_018_848_804_351)
    assert miller_rabin(1_275_041_018_848_804_391)
    # 3_825_123_056_546_413_051

    assert not miller_rabin(79_666_464_458_507_787_791_867)
    assert miller_rabin(79_666_464_458_507_787_791_951)
    # 318_665_857_834_031_151_167_461

    assert not miller_rabin(552_840_677_446_647_897_660_333)
    assert miller_rabin(552_840_677_446_647_897_660_359)
    # 3_317_044_064_679_887_385_961_981
    # upper limit for probabilistic test

if __name__ == "__main__":