trafid cipher Algorithm

The Trafid cipher algorithm is a modern and innovative cryptographic method designed for securing digital communication by providing robust encryption and decryption capabilities. It is based on the concept of transposition and diffusion, which involves rearranging the positions of plaintext characters and altering their values to generate ciphertext that is significantly different from the original message. This ensures that the encrypted data is highly resistant to various cryptanalytic attacks, thereby providing a strong layer of security for sensitive information exchange. In the Trafid cipher algorithm, the transposition process involves dividing the plaintext into blocks and then applying a series of permutations to shuffle the characters within each block. This is followed by the diffusion process, which employs substitution techniques to replace the original characters with new ones based on a predefined substitution table. The combined effect of these two processes results in the generation of highly secure and unpredictable ciphertext. The key feature of the Trafid cipher is its dynamic nature, which allows for the customization of the transposition and diffusion functions according to a specific key, making it extremely difficult for attackers to decrypt the data without knowing the exact key. Overall, the Trafid cipher algorithm offers a reliable and efficient solution for safeguarding digital communication against unauthorized access and tampering.

def __encryptPart(messagePart, character2Number):
    one, two, three = "", "", ""
    tmp = []

    for character in messagePart:

    for each in tmp:
        one += each[0]
        two += each[1]
        three += each[2]

    return one + two + three

def __decryptPart(messagePart, character2Number):
    tmp, thisPart = "", ""
    result = []

    for character in messagePart:
        thisPart += character2Number[character]

    for digit in thisPart:
        tmp += digit
        if len(tmp) == len(messagePart):
            tmp = ""

    return result[0], result[1], result[2]

def __prepare(message, alphabet):
    # Validate message and alphabet, set to upper and remove spaces
    alphabet = alphabet.replace(" ", "").upper()
    message = message.replace(" ", "").upper()

    # Check length and characters
    if len(alphabet) != 27:
        raise KeyError("Length of alphabet has to be 27.")
    for each in message:
        if each not in alphabet:
            raise ValueError("Each message character has to be included in alphabet!")

    # Generate dictionares
    numbers = (
    character2Number = {}
    number2Character = {}
    for letter, number in zip(alphabet, numbers):
        character2Number[letter] = number
        number2Character[number] = letter

    return message, alphabet, character2Number, number2Character

def encryptMessage(message, alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.", period=5):
    message, alphabet, character2Number, number2Character = __prepare(message, alphabet)
    encrypted, encrypted_numeric = "", ""

    for i in range(0, len(message) + 1, period):
        encrypted_numeric += __encryptPart(message[i : i + period], character2Number)

    for i in range(0, len(encrypted_numeric), 3):
        encrypted += number2Character[encrypted_numeric[i : i + 3]]

    return encrypted

def decryptMessage(message, alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.", period=5):
    message, alphabet, character2Number, number2Character = __prepare(message, alphabet)
    decrypted_numeric = []
    decrypted = ""

    for i in range(0, len(message) + 1, period):
        a, b, c = __decryptPart(message[i : i + period], character2Number)

        for j in range(0, len(a)):
            decrypted_numeric.append(a[j] + b[j] + c[j])

    for each in decrypted_numeric:
        decrypted += number2Character[each]

    return decrypted

if __name__ == "__main__":
    encrypted = encryptMessage(msg, "EPSDUCVWYM.ZLKXNBTFGORIJHAQ")
    decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, "EPSDUCVWYM.ZLKXNBTFGORIJHAQ")
    print(f"Encrypted: {encrypted}\nDecrypted: {decrypted}")