infix to prefix conversion Algorithm

Infix to Prefix Conversion Algorithm is a method used to convert a given infix expression into its equivalent prefix notation. Infix notation is the standard mathematical notation for representing expressions where operators are written in between the operands, such as A + B. On the other hand, prefix notation, also known as Polish notation, has the operators placed before their operands, like +AB. Prefix notation has the advantage of not requiring parentheses to indicate the order of operations, as the order is inherently determined by the position of the operator. The algorithm for converting an infix expression to a prefix expression involves the use of a stack data structure. The steps include parsing the infix expression from right to left, pushing operands to the output, and pushing operators to the stack. Whenever an operator is encountered, the algorithm pops operators from the stack and pushes them to the output until it encounters an operator with lower precedence or an opening parenthesis. If a closing parenthesis is encountered, the algorithm pops operators from the stack until it encounters the corresponding opening parenthesis. Once the infix expression is entirely parsed, any remaining operators are popped from the stack and pushed to the output. Finally, the converted prefix expression is obtained by reversing the output.

Enter an Infix Equation = a + b ^c
 Symbol  |  Stack  | Postfix
   c     |         | c
   ^     | ^       | c
   b     | ^       | cb
   +     | +       | cb^
   a     | +       | cb^a
         |         | cb^a+

         a+b^c (Infix) ->  +a^bc (Prefix)

def infix_2_postfix(Infix):
    Stack = []
    Postfix = []
    priority = {
        "^": 3,
        "*": 2,
        "/": 2,
        "%": 2,
        "+": 1,
        "-": 1,
    }  # Priority of each operator
    print_width = len(Infix) if (len(Infix) > 7) else 7

    # Print table header for output
        sep=" | ",
    print("-" * (print_width * 3 + 7))

    for x in Infix:
        if x.isalpha() or x.isdigit():
            Postfix.append(x)  # if x is Alphabet / Digit, add it to Postfix
        elif x == "(":
            Stack.append(x)  # if x is "(" push to Stack
        elif x == ")":  # if x is ")" pop stack until "(" is encountered
            while Stack[-1] != "(":
                Postfix.append(Stack.pop())  # Pop stack & add the content to Postfix
            if len(Stack) == 0:
                Stack.append(x)  # If stack is empty, push x to stack
                while (
                    len(Stack) > 0 and priority[x] <= priority[Stack[-1]]
                ):  # while priority of x is not greater than priority of element in the stack
                    Postfix.append(Stack.pop())  # pop stack & add to Postfix
                Stack.append(x)  # push x to stack

            sep=" | ",
        )  # Output in tabular format

    while len(Stack) > 0:  # while stack is not empty
        Postfix.append(Stack.pop())  # pop stack & add to Postfix
            " ".center(8),
            sep=" | ",
        )  # Output in tabular format

    return "".join(Postfix)  # return Postfix as str

def infix_2_prefix(Infix):
    Infix = list(Infix[::-1])  # reverse the infix equation

    for i in range(len(Infix)):
        if Infix[i] == "(":
            Infix[i] = ")"  # change "(" to ")"
        elif Infix[i] == ")":
            Infix[i] = "("  # change ")" to "("

    return (infix_2_postfix("".join(Infix)))[
    ]  # call infix_2_postfix on Infix, return reverse of Postfix

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Infix = input("\nEnter an Infix Equation = ")  # Input an Infix equation
    Infix = "".join(Infix.split())  # Remove spaces from the input
    print("\n\t", Infix, "(Infix) -> ", infix_2_prefix(Infix), "(Prefix)")