closest pair of points Algorithm

The Closest Pair of Points algorithm is a computational geometry technique used to find the shortest distance between two points in a given set of points in a two-dimensional space. The idea behind the algorithm is to divide the problem into smaller subproblems and solve them independently before combining the results to find the overall solution. One of the most efficient algorithms for solving this problem is the divide and conquer approach, which has a time complexity of O(n log n). This algorithm works by first sorting the set of points based on their x-coordinates and then recursively dividing the set into two equal halves until a single point remains in each subset. The base case is when there are only two or three points, in which case the distance between them can be calculated directly using the Euclidean distance formula. Once the base case has been solved, the algorithm proceeds to combine the solutions of the subproblems by comparing the distances between the points in the left and right subsets. The key insight is that the closest pair must either be in the left subset, the right subset, or one point in the left subset and one point in the right subset. In the latter case, the algorithm considers only the points that lie within a vertical strip of width equal to the minimum distance found in the left and right subsets. This strip is centered at the dividing line between the two subsets. The points within the strip are sorted based on their y-coordinates, and the algorithm iterates through this sorted list to find the closest pair. By exploiting the geometric properties of the problem and the sorted nature of the data, the algorithm efficiently computes the shortest distance between any two points in the given set, making it a powerful tool for various applications in computational geometry, computer graphics, and spatial data analysis.
The algorithm finds distance between closest pair of points
in the given n points.
Approach used -> Divide and conquer
The points are sorted based on Xco-ords and
then based on Yco-ords separately.
And by applying divide and conquer approach,
minimum distance is obtained recursively.

>> Closest points can lie on different sides of partition.
This case handled by forming a strip of points
whose Xco-ords distance is less than closest_pair_dis
from mid-point's Xco-ords. Points sorted based on Yco-ords
are used in this step to reduce sorting time.
Closest pair distance is found in the strip of points. (closest_in_strip)

min(closest_pair_dis, closest_in_strip) would be the final answer.

Time complexity: O(n * log n)

def euclidean_distance_sqr(point1, point2):
    >>> euclidean_distance_sqr([1,2],[2,4])
    return (point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2

def column_based_sort(array, column=0):
    >>> column_based_sort([(5, 1), (4, 2), (3, 0)], 1)
    [(3, 0), (5, 1), (4, 2)]
    return sorted(array, key=lambda x: x[column])

def dis_between_closest_pair(points, points_counts, min_dis=float("inf")):
    brute force approach to find distance between closest pair points

    Parameters :
    points, points_count, min_dis (list(tuple(int, int)), int, int)

    Returns :
    min_dis (float):  distance between closest pair of points

    >>> dis_between_closest_pair([[1,2],[2,4],[5,7],[8,9],[11,0]],5)


    for i in range(points_counts - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, points_counts):
            current_dis = euclidean_distance_sqr(points[i], points[j])
            if current_dis < min_dis:
                min_dis = current_dis
    return min_dis

def dis_between_closest_in_strip(points, points_counts, min_dis=float("inf")):
    closest pair of points in strip

    Parameters :
    points, points_count, min_dis (list(tuple(int, int)), int, int)

    Returns :
    min_dis (float):  distance btw closest pair of points in the strip (< min_dis)

    >>> dis_between_closest_in_strip([[1,2],[2,4],[5,7],[8,9],[11,0]],5)

    for i in range(min(6, points_counts - 1), points_counts):
        for j in range(max(0, i - 6), i):
            current_dis = euclidean_distance_sqr(points[i], points[j])
            if current_dis < min_dis:
                min_dis = current_dis
    return min_dis

def closest_pair_of_points_sqr(points_sorted_on_x, points_sorted_on_y, points_counts):
    """ divide and conquer approach

    Parameters :
    points, points_count (list(tuple(int, int)), int)

    Returns :
    (float):  distance btw closest pair of points

    >>> closest_pair_of_points_sqr([(1, 2), (3, 4)], [(5, 6), (7, 8)], 2)

    # base case
    if points_counts <= 3:
        return dis_between_closest_pair(points_sorted_on_x, points_counts)

    # recursion
    mid = points_counts // 2
    closest_in_left = closest_pair_of_points_sqr(
        points_sorted_on_x, points_sorted_on_y[:mid], mid
    closest_in_right = closest_pair_of_points_sqr(
        points_sorted_on_y, points_sorted_on_y[mid:], points_counts - mid
    closest_pair_dis = min(closest_in_left, closest_in_right)

    cross_strip contains the points, whose Xcoords are at a
    distance(< closest_pair_dis) from mid's Xcoord

    cross_strip = []
    for point in points_sorted_on_x:
        if abs(point[0] - points_sorted_on_x[mid][0]) < closest_pair_dis:

    closest_in_strip = dis_between_closest_in_strip(
        cross_strip, len(cross_strip), closest_pair_dis
    return min(closest_pair_dis, closest_in_strip)

def closest_pair_of_points(points, points_counts):
    >>> closest_pair_of_points([(2, 3), (12, 30)], len([(2, 3), (12, 30)]))
    points_sorted_on_x = column_based_sort(points, column=0)
    points_sorted_on_y = column_based_sort(points, column=1)
    return (
            points_sorted_on_x, points_sorted_on_y, points_counts
    ) ** 0.5

if __name__ == "__main__":
    points = [(2, 3), (12, 30), (40, 50), (5, 1), (12, 10), (3, 4)]
    print("Distance:", closest_pair_of_points(points, len(points)))