lib Algorithm

The library sort algorithm, also known as gapped insertion sort, is an efficient sorting algorithm that combines the principles of insertion sort and binary search to achieve an average-case performance of O(n log n). It was developed by Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, and Miguel A. Mosteiro in 2002. This algorithm is particularly suitable for sorting large data sets, as it works by creating gaps or empty spaces between the elements in the array, which reduces the need for shifting elements during the insertion process. The main idea behind library sort is to maintain a sorted list with gaps, so that when a new element needs to be inserted, it can be placed directly into its correct position without having to move many other elements. The library sort algorithm works in two main phases: insertion and rebalancing. During the insertion phase, elements are inserted into the array one at a time, using binary search to find the correct position for the new element. If a suitable gap is available, the element is placed directly into that gap; otherwise, the element is inserted in the nearest gap, and a local rebalance is performed to maintain the desired density of gaps. The rebalancing phase occurs when there are no more gaps available for insertion. In this phase, the algorithm redistributes the elements and gaps evenly throughout the array, thus allowing for more insertions. After the rebalancing phase, the insertion phase resumes, continuing the process until all elements have been sorted.
Created on Mon Feb 26 14:29:11 2018

@author: Christian Bender
@license: MIT-license

This module contains some useful classes and functions for dealing
with linear algebra in python.


- class Vector
- function zeroVector(dimension)
- function unitBasisVector(dimension,pos)
- function axpy(scalar,vector1,vector2)
- function randomVector(N,a,b)
- class Matrix
- function squareZeroMatrix(N)
- function randomMatrix(W,H,a,b)

import math
import random

class Vector:
        This class represents a vector of arbitrary size.
        You need to give the vector components.

        Overview about the methods:

        constructor(components : list) : init the vector
        set(components : list) : changes the vector components.
        __str__() : toString method
        component(i : int): gets the i-th component (start by 0)
        __len__() : gets the size of the vector (number of components)
        euclidLength() : returns the euclidean length of the vector.
        operator + : vector addition
        operator - : vector subtraction
        operator * : scalar multiplication and dot product
        copy() : copies this vector and returns it.
        changeComponent(pos,value) : changes the specified component.
        TODO: compare-operator

    def __init__(self, components=None):
            input: components or nothing
            simple constructor for init the vector
        if components is None:
            components = []
        self.__components = list(components)

    def set(self, components):
            input: new components
            changes the components of the vector.
            replace the components with newer one.
        if len(components) > 0:
            self.__components = list(components)
            raise Exception("please give any vector")

    def __str__(self):
            returns a string representation of the vector
        return "(" + ",".join(map(str, self.__components)) + ")"

    def component(self, i):
            input: index (start at 0)
            output: the i-th component of the vector.
        if type(i) is int and -len(self.__components) <= i < len(self.__components):
            return self.__components[i]
            raise Exception("index out of range")

    def __len__(self):
            returns the size of the vector
        return len(self.__components)

    def euclidLength(self):
            returns the euclidean length of the vector
        summe = 0
        for c in self.__components:
            summe += c ** 2
        return math.sqrt(summe)

    def __add__(self, other):
            input: other vector
            assumes: other vector has the same size
            returns a new vector that represents the sum.
        size = len(self)
        if size == len(other):
            result = [self.__components[i] + other.component(i) for i in range(size)]
            return Vector(result)
            raise Exception("must have the same size")

    def __sub__(self, other):
            input: other vector
            assumes: other vector has the same size
            returns a new vector that represents the difference.
        size = len(self)
        if size == len(other):
            result = [self.__components[i] - other.component(i) for i in range(size)]
            return Vector(result)
        else:  # error case
            raise Exception("must have the same size")

    def __mul__(self, other):
            mul implements the scalar multiplication
            and the dot-product
        if isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int):
            ans = [c * other for c in self.__components]
            return Vector(ans)
        elif isinstance(other, Vector) and (len(self) == len(other)):
            size = len(self)
            summe = 0
            for i in range(size):
                summe += self.__components[i] * other.component(i)
            return summe
        else:  # error case
            raise Exception("invalid operand!")

    def copy(self):
            copies this vector and returns it.
        return Vector(self.__components)

    def changeComponent(self, pos, value):
            input: an index (pos) and a value
            changes the specified component (pos) with the
        # precondition
        assert -len(self.__components) <= pos < len(self.__components)
        self.__components[pos] = value

def zeroVector(dimension):
        returns a zero-vector of size 'dimension'
    # precondition
    assert isinstance(dimension, int)
    return Vector([0] * dimension)

def unitBasisVector(dimension, pos):
        returns a unit basis vector with a One
        at index 'pos' (indexing at 0)
    # precondition
    assert isinstance(dimension, int) and (isinstance(pos, int))
    ans = [0] * dimension
    ans[pos] = 1
    return Vector(ans)

def axpy(scalar, x, y):
        input: a 'scalar' and two vectors 'x' and 'y'
        output: a vector
        computes the axpy operation
    # precondition
    assert (
        isinstance(x, Vector)
        and (isinstance(y, Vector))
        and (isinstance(scalar, int) or isinstance(scalar, float))
    return x * scalar + y

def randomVector(N, a, b):
        input: size (N) of the vector.
               random range (a,b)
        output: returns a random vector of size N, with
                random integer components between 'a' and 'b'.
    ans = [random.randint(a, b) for i in range(N)]
    return Vector(ans)

class Matrix:
    class: Matrix
    This class represents a arbitrary matrix.

    Overview about the methods:

           __str__() : returns a string representation
           operator * : implements the matrix vector multiplication
                        implements the matrix-scalar multiplication.
           changeComponent(x,y,value) : changes the specified component.
           component(x,y) : returns the specified component.
           width() : returns the width of the matrix
           height() : returns the height of the matrix
           operator + : implements the matrix-addition.
           operator - _ implements the matrix-subtraction

    def __init__(self, matrix, w, h):
            simple constructor for initializing
            the matrix with components.
        self.__matrix = matrix
        self.__width = w
        self.__height = h

    def __str__(self):
            returns a string representation of this
        ans = ""
        for i in range(self.__height):
            ans += "|"
            for j in range(self.__width):
                if j < self.__width - 1:
                    ans += str(self.__matrix[i][j]) + ","
                    ans += str(self.__matrix[i][j]) + "|\n"
        return ans

    def changeComponent(self, x, y, value):
            changes the x-y component of this matrix
        if 0 <= x < self.__height and 0 <= y < self.__width:
            self.__matrix[x][y] = value
            raise Exception("changeComponent: indices out of bounds")

    def component(self, x, y):
            returns the specified (x,y) component
        if 0 <= x < self.__height and 0 <= y < self.__width:
            return self.__matrix[x][y]
            raise Exception("changeComponent: indices out of bounds")

    def width(self):
            getter for the width
        return self.__width

    def height(self):
            getter for the height
        return self.__height

    def determinate(self) -> float:
            returns the determinate of an nxn matrix using Laplace expansion
        if self.__height == self.__width and self.__width >= 2:
            total = 0
            if self.__width > 2:
                for x in range(0, self.__width):
                    for y in range(0, self.__height):
                        total += (
                            * (-1) ** (x + y)
                            * Matrix(
                                self.__matrix[0:x] + self.__matrix[x + 1 :],
                                self.__width - 1,
                                self.__height - 1,
                return (
                    self.__matrix[0][0] * self.__matrix[1][1]
                    - self.__matrix[0][1] * self.__matrix[1][0]
            return total
            raise Exception("matrix is not square")

    def __mul__(self, other):
            implements the matrix-vector multiplication.
            implements the matrix-scalar multiplication
        if isinstance(other, Vector):  # vector-matrix
            if len(other) == self.__width:
                ans = zeroVector(self.__height)
                for i in range(self.__height):
                    summe = 0
                    for j in range(self.__width):
                        summe += other.component(j) * self.__matrix[i][j]
                    ans.changeComponent(i, summe)
                    summe = 0
                return ans
                raise Exception(
                    "vector must have the same size as the "
                    + "number of columns of the matrix!"
        elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float):  # matrix-scalar
            matrix = [
                [self.__matrix[i][j] * other for j in range(self.__width)]
                for i in range(self.__height)
            return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height)

    def __add__(self, other):
            implements the matrix-addition.
        if self.__width == other.width() and self.__height == other.height():
            matrix = []
            for i in range(self.__height):
                row = []
                for j in range(self.__width):
                    row.append(self.__matrix[i][j] + other.component(i, j))
            return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height)
            raise Exception("matrix must have the same dimension!")

    def __sub__(self, other):
            implements the matrix-subtraction.
        if self.__width == other.width() and self.__height == other.height():
            matrix = []
            for i in range(self.__height):
                row = []
                for j in range(self.__width):
                    row.append(self.__matrix[i][j] - other.component(i, j))
            return Matrix(matrix, self.__width, self.__height)
            raise Exception("matrix must have the same dimension!")

def squareZeroMatrix(N):
        returns a square zero-matrix of dimension NxN
    ans = [[0] * N for i in range(N)]
    return Matrix(ans, N, N)

def randomMatrix(W, H, a, b):
        returns a random matrix WxH with integer components
        between 'a' and 'b'
    matrix = [[random.randint(a, b) for j in range(W)] for i in range(H)]
    return Matrix(matrix, W, H)