scoring functions Algorithm

Scoring functions algorithms are essential components in various optimization, ranking, and recommendation systems. They are designed to evaluate and assign scores to potential solutions or items based on their relative quality or relevance. These algorithms play a crucial role in machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, where they help in model selection, feature selection, and hyperparameter tuning. By providing a quantitative measure of the quality or relevance of a solution, scoring functions enable the comparison of various alternatives and facilitate the selection of optimal or near-optimal solutions. The effectiveness of a scoring function algorithm depends on its ability to accurately capture the underlying relationships between the features and the objectives being optimized. In supervised learning, scoring functions may use various performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, or F1-score to assess the predictive capabilities of different models. In unsupervised learning, scoring functions may rely on clustering quality measures or intrinsic metrics like silhouette scores or Davies-Bouldin index. Moreover, scoring functions can also be employed in reinforcement learning, where they help in evaluating different policies and estimating their long-term rewards. The choice of an appropriate scoring function depends on the problem context, the available data, and the desired properties of the optimal solution, and it often requires domain expertise and careful consideration.
import numpy as np

""" Here I implemented the scoring functions.
    MAE, MSE, RMSE, RMSLE are included.

    Those are used for calculating differences between
    predicted values and actual values.

    Metrics are slightly differentiated. Sometimes squared, rooted,
    even log is used.

    Using log and roots can be perceived as tools for penalizing big
    errors. However, using appropriate metrics depends on the situations,
    and types of data

# Mean Absolute Error
def mae(predict, actual):
    Examples(rounded for precision):
    >>> actual = [1,2,3];predict = [1,4,3]
    >>> np.around(mae(predict,actual),decimals = 2)

    >>> actual = [1,1,1];predict = [1,1,1]
    >>> mae(predict,actual)
    predict = np.array(predict)
    actual = np.array(actual)

    difference = abs(predict - actual)
    score = difference.mean()

    return score

# Mean Squared Error
def mse(predict, actual):
    Examples(rounded for precision):
    >>> actual = [1,2,3];predict = [1,4,3]
    >>> np.around(mse(predict,actual),decimals = 2)

    >>> actual = [1,1,1];predict = [1,1,1]
    >>> mse(predict,actual)
    predict = np.array(predict)
    actual = np.array(actual)

    difference = predict - actual
    square_diff = np.square(difference)

    score = square_diff.mean()
    return score

# Root Mean Squared Error
def rmse(predict, actual):
    Examples(rounded for precision):
    >>> actual = [1,2,3];predict = [1,4,3]
    >>> np.around(rmse(predict,actual),decimals = 2)

    >>> actual = [1,1,1];predict = [1,1,1]
    >>> rmse(predict,actual)
    predict = np.array(predict)
    actual = np.array(actual)

    difference = predict - actual
    square_diff = np.square(difference)
    mean_square_diff = square_diff.mean()
    score = np.sqrt(mean_square_diff)
    return score

# Root Mean Square Logarithmic Error
def rmsle(predict, actual):
    Examples(rounded for precision):
    >>> actual = [10,10,30];predict = [10,2,30]
    >>> np.around(rmsle(predict,actual),decimals = 2)

    >>> actual = [1,1,1];predict = [1,1,1]
    >>> rmsle(predict,actual)
    predict = np.array(predict)
    actual = np.array(actual)

    log_predict = np.log(predict + 1)
    log_actual = np.log(actual + 1)

    difference = log_predict - log_actual
    square_diff = np.square(difference)
    mean_square_diff = square_diff.mean()

    score = np.sqrt(mean_square_diff)

    return score

# Mean Bias Deviation
def mbd(predict, actual):
    This value is Negative, if the model underpredicts,
    positive, if it overpredicts.

    Example(rounded for precision):

    Here the model overpredicts
    >>> actual = [1,2,3];predict = [2,3,4]
    >>> np.around(mbd(predict,actual),decimals = 2)

    Here the model underpredicts
    >>> actual = [1,2,3];predict = [0,1,1]
    >>> np.around(mbd(predict,actual),decimals = 2)
    predict = np.array(predict)
    actual = np.array(actual)

    difference = predict - actual
    numerator = np.sum(difference) / len(predict)
    denumerator = np.sum(actual) / len(predict)
    # print(numerator, denumerator)
    score = float(numerator) / denumerator * 100

    return score