ceil Algorithm

The ceil algorithm, also known as the ceiling function, is a mathematical operation that rounds a given number up to the nearest integer value. This algorithm is widely used in programming languages and mathematical applications to manage numerical data involving decimals or fractions. The primary function of the ceil algorithm is to return the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the input number. For instance, if the input number is 4.2, the ceil function will return 5, as it is the smallest integer greater than 4.2. In computer programming, the ceil algorithm is often used to determine the minimum number of iterations required to process a dataset or to allocate memory space for data storage. For example, when dividing a task into smaller subtasks, the ceil function can be employed to ensure that all subtasks are completed without leaving any remainder. Additionally, the ceil algorithm is an essential component in numerical calculations, such as approximating square roots, logarithms, and exponential functions, where accurate results are crucial. Overall, the ceil algorithm is a valuable tool in the fields of mathematics, computer science, and engineering, allowing for efficient and precise computation of numerical data.
def ceil(x) -> int:
    Return the ceiling of x as an Integral.

    :param x: the number
    :return: the smallest integer >= x.

    >>> import math
    >>> all(ceil(n) == math.ceil(n) for n in (1, -1, 0, -0, 1.1, -1.1, 1.0, -1.0, 1_000_000_000))
    return (
        x if isinstance(x, int) or x - int(x) == 0 else int(x + 1) if x > 0 else int(x)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest
