shortest job first algorithm Algorithm

The Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm is a scheduling algorithm used in operating systems to manage the execution of processes in a system. It is a priority-based algorithm that selects the process with the smallest execution time or burst time for execution. The main objective of the SJF algorithm is to minimize the average waiting time of processes in the queue, thus improving overall system efficiency. In the SJF algorithm, the operating system maintains a priority queue where processes are sorted based on their burst times. When a process arrives, it is inserted into the queue according to its burst time, ensuring that the process with the shortest burst time is always at the head of the queue. The scheduler then selects the process at the head of the queue for execution. Once a process starts executing, it continues until it is completed or preempted by a higher priority process. There are two variations of the SJF algorithm: non-preemptive and preemptive. In the non-preemptive version, a process is executed until completion, while in the preemptive version, a process can be interrupted if a higher priority process arrives in the queue.
Shortest job remaining first
Please note arrival time and burst
Please use spaces to separate times entered.

import pandas as pd
from typing import List

def calculate_waitingtime(
    arrival_time: List[int], burst_time: List[int], no_of_processes: int
) -> List[int]:

    Calculate the waiting time of each processes
    Return: list of waiting times.
    >>> calculate_waitingtime([1,2,3,4],[3,3,5,1],4)
    [0, 3, 5, 0]
    >>> calculate_waitingtime([1,2,3],[2,5,1],3)
    [0, 2, 0]
    >>> calculate_waitingtime([2,3],[5,1],2)
    [1, 0]
    remaining_time = [0] * no_of_processes
    waiting_time = [0] * no_of_processes
    # Copy the burst time into remaining_time[]
    for i in range(no_of_processes):
        remaining_time[i] = burst_time[i]

    complete = 0
    increment_time = 0
    minm = 999999999
    short = 0
    check = False

    # Process until all processes are completed
    while complete != no_of_processes:
        for j in range(no_of_processes):
            if arrival_time[j] <= increment_time:
                if remaining_time[j] > 0:
                    if remaining_time[j] < minm:
                        minm = remaining_time[j]
                        short = j
                        check = True

        if not check:
            increment_time += 1
        remaining_time[short] -= 1

        minm = remaining_time[short]
        if minm == 0:
            minm = 999999999

        if remaining_time[short] == 0:
            complete += 1
            check = False

            # Find finish time of current process
            finish_time = increment_time + 1

            # Calculate waiting time
            finar = finish_time - arrival_time[short]
            waiting_time[short] = finar - burst_time[short]

            if waiting_time[short] < 0:
                waiting_time[short] = 0

        # Increment time
        increment_time += 1
    return waiting_time

def calculate_turnaroundtime(
    burst_time: List[int], no_of_processes: int, waiting_time: List[int]
) -> List[int]:
    Calculate the turn around time of each Processes
    Return: list of turn around times.
    >>> calculate_turnaroundtime([3,3,5,1], 4, [0,3,5,0])
    [3, 6, 10, 1]
    >>> calculate_turnaroundtime([3,3], 2, [0,3])
    [3, 6]
    >>> calculate_turnaroundtime([8,10,1], 3, [1,0,3])
    [9, 10, 4]
    turn_around_time = [0] * no_of_processes
    for i in range(no_of_processes):
        turn_around_time[i] = burst_time[i] + waiting_time[i]
    return turn_around_time

def calculate_average_times(
    waiting_time: List[int], turn_around_time: List[int], no_of_processes: int
    This function calculates the average of the waiting & turnaround times
    Prints: Average Waiting time & Average Turn Around Time
    >>> calculate_average_times([0,3,5,0],[3,6,10,1],4)
    Average waiting time = 2.00000
    Average turn around time = 5.0
    >>> calculate_average_times([2,3],[3,6],2)
    Average waiting time = 2.50000
    Average turn around time = 4.5
    >>> calculate_average_times([10,4,3],[2,7,6],3)
    Average waiting time = 5.66667
    Average turn around time = 5.0
    total_waiting_time = 0
    total_turn_around_time = 0
    for i in range(no_of_processes):
        total_waiting_time = total_waiting_time + waiting_time[i]
        total_turn_around_time = total_turn_around_time + turn_around_time[i]
    print("Average waiting time = %.5f" % (total_waiting_time / no_of_processes))
    print("Average turn around time =", total_turn_around_time / no_of_processes)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Enter how many process you want to analyze")
    no_of_processes = int(input())
    burst_time = [0] * no_of_processes
    arrival_time = [0] * no_of_processes
    processes = list(range(1, no_of_processes + 1))

    for i in range(no_of_processes):
        print("Enter the arrival time and brust time for process:--" + str(i + 1))
        arrival_time[i], burst_time[i] = map(int, input().split())
    waiting_time = calculate_waitingtime(arrival_time, burst_time, no_of_processes)
    bt = burst_time
    n = no_of_processes
    wt = waiting_time
    turn_around_time = calculate_turnaroundtime(bt, n, wt)
    calculate_average_times(waiting_time, turn_around_time, no_of_processes)
    processes = list(range(1, no_of_processes + 1))
    fcfs = pd.DataFrame(
        list(zip(processes, burst_time, arrival_time, waiting_time, turn_around_time)),

    # Printing the dataFrame
    pd.set_option("display.max_rows", fcfs.shape[0] + 1)