hill climbing Algorithm

The Hill Climbing Algorithm is an optimization technique used in artificial intelligence and mathematical optimization problems for finding the best solution to a problem. It is an iterative algorithm that belongs to the family of local search techniques. The main idea behind the hill climbing algorithm is to start with an initial solution and iteratively improve upon it by exploring its neighbors and selecting the best one. The process is repeated until no further improvement can be made, and the algorithm converges to a local maximum or minimum. In the context of AI, the hill climbing algorithm is often used for solving combinatorial optimization problems, such as the traveling salesman problem, scheduling, and allocation of resources. It is known for its simplicity and ease of implementation, but it has some limitations. One major drawback of the hill climbing algorithm is that it can easily get stuck in local optima, meaning it might not find the global optimum solution. To overcome this issue, variations of the hill climbing algorithm, such as random-restart hill climbing and simulated annealing, have been developed, which introduce randomness and probabilistic decisions to help escape local optima and explore the solution space more effectively.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_climbing
import math

class SearchProblem:
    An interface to define search problems.
    The interface will be illustrated using the example of mathematical function.

    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, step_size: int, function_to_optimize):
        The constructor of the search problem.

        x: the x coordinate of the current search state.
        y: the y coordinate of the current search state.
        step_size: size of the step to take when looking for neighbors.
        function_to_optimize: a function to optimize having the signature f(x, y).
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.step_size = step_size
        self.function = function_to_optimize

    def score(self) -> int:
        Returns the output of the function called with current x and y coordinates.
        >>> def test_function(x, y):
        ...     return x + y
        >>> SearchProblem(0, 0, 1, test_function).score()  # 0 + 0 = 0
        >>> SearchProblem(5, 7, 1, test_function).score()  # 5 + 7 = 12
        return self.function(self.x, self.y)

    def get_neighbors(self):
        Returns a list of coordinates of neighbors adjacent to the current coordinates.

        | 0 | 1 | 2 |
        | 3 | _ | 4 |
        | 5 | 6 | 7 |
        step_size = self.step_size
        return [
            SearchProblem(x, y, step_size, self.function)
            for x, y in (
                (self.x - step_size, self.y - step_size),
                (self.x - step_size, self.y),
                (self.x - step_size, self.y + step_size),
                (self.x, self.y - step_size),
                (self.x, self.y + step_size),
                (self.x + step_size, self.y - step_size),
                (self.x + step_size, self.y),
                (self.x + step_size, self.y + step_size),

    def __hash__(self):
        hash the string represetation of the current search state.
        return hash(str(self))

    def __eq__(self, obj):
        Check if the 2 objects are equal.
        if isinstance(obj, SearchProblem):
            return hash(str(self)) == hash(str(obj))
        return False

    def __str__(self):
        string representation of the current search state.
        >>> str(SearchProblem(0, 0, 1, None))
        'x: 0 y: 0'
        >>> str(SearchProblem(2, 5, 1, None))
        'x: 2 y: 5'
        return f"x: {self.x} y: {self.y}"

def hill_climbing(
    find_max: bool = True,
    max_x: float = math.inf,
    min_x: float = -math.inf,
    max_y: float = math.inf,
    min_y: float = -math.inf,
    visualization: bool = False,
    max_iter: int = 10000,
) -> SearchProblem:
    Implementation of the hill climbling algorithm.
    We start with a given state, find all its neighbors,
    move towards the neighbor which provides the maximum (or minimum) change.
    We keep doing this until we are at a state where we do not have any
    neighbors which can improve the solution.
            search_prob: The search state at the start.
            find_max: If True, the algorithm should find the maximum else the minimum.
            max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y: the maximum and minimum bounds of x and y.
            visualization: If True, a matplotlib graph is displayed.
            max_iter: number of times to run the iteration.
        Returns a search state having the maximum (or minimum) score.
    current_state = search_prob
    scores = []  # list to store the current score at each iteration
    iterations = 0
    solution_found = False
    visited = set()
    while not solution_found and iterations < max_iter:
        iterations += 1
        current_score = current_state.score()
        neighbors = current_state.get_neighbors()
        max_change = -math.inf
        min_change = math.inf
        next_state = None  # to hold the next best neighbor
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor in visited:
                continue  # do not want to visit the same state again
            if (
                neighbor.x > max_x
                or neighbor.x < min_x
                or neighbor.y > max_y
                or neighbor.y < min_y
                continue  # neighbor outside our bounds
            change = neighbor.score() - current_score
            if find_max:  # finding max
                # going to direction with greatest ascent
                if change > max_change and change > 0:
                    max_change = change
                    next_state = neighbor
            else:  # finding min
                # to direction with greatest descent
                if change < min_change and change < 0:
                    min_change = change
                    next_state = neighbor
        if next_state is not None:
            # we found at least one neighbor which improved the current state
            current_state = next_state
            # since we have no neighbor that improves the solution we stop the search
            solution_found = True

    if visualization:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plt.plot(range(iterations), scores)
        plt.ylabel("Function values")

    return current_state

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest


    def test_f1(x, y):
        return (x ** 2) + (y ** 2)

    # starting the problem with initial coordinates (3, 4)
    prob = SearchProblem(x=3, y=4, step_size=1, function_to_optimize=test_f1)
    local_min = hill_climbing(prob, find_max=False)
        "The minimum score for f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 found via hill climbing: "

    # starting the problem with initial coordinates (12, 47)
    prob = SearchProblem(x=12, y=47, step_size=1, function_to_optimize=test_f1)
    local_min = hill_climbing(
        prob, find_max=False, max_x=100, min_x=5, max_y=50, min_y=-5, visualization=True
        "The minimum score for f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 with the domain 100 > x > 5 "
        f"and 50 > y > - 5 found via hill climbing: {local_min.score()}"

    def test_f2(x, y):
        return (3 * x ** 2) - (6 * y)

    prob = SearchProblem(x=3, y=4, step_size=1, function_to_optimize=test_f1)
    local_min = hill_climbing(prob, find_max=True)
        "The maximum score for f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 found via hill climbing: "