lower Algorithm

The lower Algorithm, also known as the Lower Bound Algorithm, is a concept in computer science that determines the minimum number of operations required to solve a problem. It is often used in the analysis of algorithms, as it helps in understanding the optimal performance of an algorithm in terms of time and space complexity. By establishing a lower bound, researchers and developers can evaluate whether their algorithm is efficient enough, and if there is a need to search for a better solution. Lower bounds are critical in the study of computational complexity, as they serve as a benchmark for determining the inherent difficulty of a problem. The lower Algorithm plays a crucial role in the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, as it provides a standard for comparison. For instance, if an algorithm's performance is proven to be optimal or near-optimal with respect to the lower bound, then there is no need to search for a better algorithm. On the other hand, if the algorithm's performance is far from the lower bound, it suggests that there may be room for improvement. Thus, lower bounds serve as a valuable tool in optimizing algorithms and understanding the underlying complexity of problems in computer science, ultimately helping to develop more efficient solutions for various computational tasks.
def lower(word: str) -> str:

    Will convert the entire string to lowecase letters

    >>> lower("wow")
    >>> lower("HellZo")
    >>> lower("WHAT")

    >>> lower("wh[]32")
    >>> lower("whAT")

    # converting to ascii value int value and checking to see if char is a capital letter
    # if it is a capital letter it is getting shift by 32 which makes it a lower case letter
    return "".join(
        chr(ord(char) + 32) if 65 <= ord(char) <= 90 else char for char in word

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from doctest import testmod
